Helo, I guess we all love illustrated books right? It encourage us to further read any book, agree?...well, Pihak Google telah menghasilkan sebuah web iaitu '20thingsilearned.com' ( e-book generated ) yang pada gilaweb even anak korang pun boleh faham. hehe..
E-book ni basically menceritakan apa itu internet, web dan browsers...but in most creative and manner way.Its like your first internet book of thought. Furthermore, This is what others conclusion about '20 things' in this ebooks..
#1 : What is the Internet? or, “You Say Tomato, I Say TCP/IP”
#2 : Cloud Computing : or, why it’s ok for a truck to crush your laptop
#3 : Web Apps : or, “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Appiness”
#4 : HTML, JavaScript,...